The Supper Club: Black Male Subjectivity
Saturday, February 18, 2017
6:30 to 10pm
[Image Description: Two women and 18 men sit around a dinner table configured into a large square in a gallery setting. The tables are each draped in a white table cloth and the dinner guests sit on white chairs with shiny, metal legs. Most everyone at the dinner is in mid-laugh and or smiling. At the top of the photo is a wall lined with windows looking onto an urban landscape. On the table are water and wine bottles, wine and water glasses, plates with food, and serving utensils in serving bowls half-filled with food.]
This Supper Club brought together several visual artists, curators, and writers to discuss the broad spectrum of black masculinity. Topics included representation in the art world, the relationship between the black artists and curators, adolescence and identity formation, the intersection of hetero, homo, and queer sexuality with race and the male and queer body, and several other themes that explored the rich history of black maleness in America and abroad.